Wednesday, August 26, 2009

is it true?

That no Californian has ever had a fluffernutter? I can't even find any fluff, just some goopy stuff called marshmallow creme vaguely resembling fluff. This place is getting stranger and stranger.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

heebus jeebus

I am a lazy blogger.

Celebrating Nepal on the fourth,
getting rear ended and going to the hospital,
three day sailing excursions,
got in touch with an old friend,
saying goodbye to Jimbo (glad you came up),
Fort Baker and Salsalito,
Angry Samoans,
county fair,
and the week of Josh and Frank.

yes, the studio is in full swing.

In all seriousness.. anybody up for a circumnavigation?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

At least we'll always have Captain EO.

Does anybody in the bay area have a co2 tap? I've gotten my grubby little hands on some homebrew.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

pirate cat

where are you on my radio!?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


..and I got rear-ended on the highway. I'm fine. And I worked for a home-brew beer competition later that day. best. swag. ever. And I hope that my punctuation hit you like a truck just now.

The ghost of George Eastman is coming back to stop this from happening.

I really couldn't have cared less about polaroid. I diddn't even have a polaroid back. But sucka, I sure as shit shot some stinkin kodachrome. I guess the black market will be picking up on the stuff. Who's holding?

Glen E. Friedman said it best here

Oh and a Paul Simon cover to round things out..

Thursday, June 11, 2009

hell of a day w/dollar bill steve

nice one, Jordan:

here's an a-z of my favorite phobias

Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Bibliophobia- Fear of books.
Chronophobia- Fear of time.
Dutchphobia- Fear of the Dutch.
Epistemophobia- Fear of knowledge.
Frigophobia- Fear of cold, cold things.
Genuphobia- Fear of knees.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
Ideophobia- Fear of ideas.
Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese.
Kolpophobia- Fear of genitals, particularly female.
Linonophobia- Fear of string.
Metrophobia- Fear or hatred of poetry.
Neopharmaphobia- Fear of new drugs.
Oneirogmophobia- Fear of wet dreams.
Pogonophobia- Fear of beards.
Rhabdophobia- Fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized. Also fear of magic.(wand)
Symmetrophobia- Fear of symmetry.
Theatrophobia- Fear of theatres.
Uranophobia- Fear of heaven.
Venustraphobia- Fear of beautiful women.
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft.
Xanthophobia- Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.

What fear did I find had the most terms for it? erections, of course!

Anyone go ahead and let me know if you find a Q or Y phobia.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I always knew

that the clash played at the orpheum theater in boston(my old house). What I didn't know, is that sam and dave opened up! too bad I was negative five years old. If they tear that place down I'm going to take a cold shower with all my clothes on and cry.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

it's raining cheeseburgers

but, whatever. cheeseburgers wont fix anything.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I'd like to go sailing, please.

I like

roller-boarder maneuvers

*I fixed it. I'm that good.

I like

music. just a little bit.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

thank you

to Bostons Finest for getting me back to the telly

starting to worry me

Lets get this blog started right!
Satan loves me and here is the proof.
I have only been taking these for a year or so..